WANTED - Spare Clothes

Added on by School Administrator.

Dear Parents / Carers

At school we keep some spare school uniform, PE kit, underwear etc for those occasions when children may need to borrow an item of clothing. We are desperately short of the following items. 

  • Boys' school trousers - all ages

  • Jogging bottoms - all ages

  • Girls' tights - all ages

 If you can donate any of the above, we would be most grateful.  Please pop them in a bag and leave them with Reception.

Please remember that if your child does come home in clothing borrowed from school, that we would like them washed and returned!

 Thank you

Children's Mental Health Week - Wear Your Scarf to School - 11th February

Added on by School Administrator.

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Neston Primary School will be supporting Children’s Mental Health Week which runs from Monday 7th February to Sunday 13th February. During this week, we will be participating in a number of different activities to support our mental well-being and to raise awareness of the importance of taking care of our mental health and well-being.

To end the week, we are inviting children to come into school wearing a scarf on Friday 11th February. No donation is required for this and as always, this is an optional event. The scarves will help in supporting the teaching of our PSHE values;

S – Safety   

C – caring

A – achievement

R – resilience

F – friendships

We are looking forward to seeing and hearing about all of the fabulous scarves that will be on display and don’t forget to wear your scarf at drop off and pick up too!

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Turner

Class Christmas Parties

Added on by School Administrator.

This year's Christmas parties will be held separately in each class:-

  • Willow - Thursday 16th December

  • Oak - Monday 13th December

  • Silver Birch - Thursday 16th December

  • Hazel - Thursday 16th December

  • Chestnut -Thursday 16th December

  • Maple - Thursday 16th December

  • Beech - Thursday 16th December

Children can come to school in their own clothes for their class parties and also the Christmas dinner on the 16th December.

There is no requirement for the children to bring in party food, this will be provided.

If you would like your child to have a school Christmas dinner, please remember to order via ParentPay by 6pm on 8th December

Amendment to Beech Swimming Costs

Added on by School Administrator.

Dear Parents / Carers

It has been brought to our attention that we made a clerical error in calculating the total cost of swimming lessons for children in Beech class.

Parents have only been charged for 12 weeks, when in fact the children will be swimming for 13 weeks. Therefore there is an additional £7.58 to pay, bringing the total cost of both terms together to £98.54 (not £90.96).

ParentPay has been updated to reflect this.

if you have any queries regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact the school office at admin@neston.wilts.sch.uk

FoNS Christmas Hampers Donations / Raffle

Added on by School Administrator.

Dear Parents / Carers

Our second and annual fundraiser will be our amazing hampers which always come out so fabulous. I will be dropping the boxes into school next week for the donations to start. Attached to this email are the colours for each class and some reminders of what could be up for grabs.

As from previous years, each class will have a box to fill up for the Hampers, the colours are: 

Willow - Blue 
Oak -White
Silver Birch - Silver 
Hazel - Red
Chestnut - Gold
Maple - Green 
Beech - Luxury 

Please send your donations in with your child in a bag so they can give to the class teacher. Final date for donations will be Friday 10th December so they can be wrapped. 

Raffle tickets will be sent out with the children this week and I shall also be stood outside the school gate with more tickets. £1.00 a strip. 

Winners will be announced on Thursday 16th December 2021. 

Any questions please let me know, 



Up & Under January Fitness Challenge - W/C 5.1.2021

Added on by School Administrator.

Please click here to see the January Fitness Challenge starting next week that you could get involved in! The challenge is to do 21 minutes of continuous exercise each day. You can record your results using the attached document!

We intend on sending out weekly challenges, activities that you can take part in at home.


Geraint Lewis

Up & Under Sports
